Sunday, December 27, 2009

Girl, stalk someone your own size.

Hannah Moon: You know what's more low, slimy, vile, and disease-ridden than sewer rats? FAN GIRLS.*dun dun DUUUNNN*

Bree: I know right? and there is a TON of types of them too >.<

Hannah Moon: They need lives. Heck, I need a life and I say they need a life.

Bree: I do believe that was a serious burn. Let's start with Edward Cullen fan girls shall we?

Hannah Moon: Oh yes, lets. Although really, any crazed fan girl is just as bad.

Bree: We will move onto other ones. Trust me

Hannah Moon: YAY!

Bree: Well. First of all these girls belong in an insane asylum. They want to marry a fictional being.

Hannah Moon: Yeah, I'm sorry, that's just WEIRD.


Hannah Moon: Oh yeah, guys just LOVE girls that have no grammar skills.

Bree: Total turn on right?

Hannah Moon: Oh yeah, and the way they only know the words "hot" and "sexy" is TOTALLY attractive.

Bree: I'm creaming myself just thinking about it. NOT.

Hannah Moon: LOL I just dream to find a guy that rips out his hair over me and has no intelligence at all whatsoever. NOT

Bree: My guy is highly intelligent. Which brings me to my least favorite fan girls in the world. Can you guess who they belong to?

Hannah Moon: lol I think so

Bree: For those of you who are dumb and cannot guess who I am referring to, I would be referring to my boyfriend Robby and his jailbait fan club.

Hannah Moon: Even worse to go after people that shouldn't be attracted to you because of how much older they are. Do they WANT pedophiles?

Bree: Apparently they do. They also like pissing me off. One even tried to make me mad at him so I'd leave him. Fat chance.

Hannah Moon: Just plain sad.

Bree: Even worse she was like 13. That bad for even me.

Hannah Moon: O.O Oh hail naw. Does she really think she's so great, that someone TEN years older will like her?

Bree: Apparently. I have my fair share of fan boys but they aren't on Beloved sodahead. They are on other sites and they have no access to Robby otherwise, he too would get the same shit I do.

Hannah Moon: Fan boys can be just as bad as fan girls.

Bree: Your telling me. I had one ask me to marry him. He was 14. O.o

Hannah Moon: LOL I had a 13-year-old today tell me he loves me more than his girlfriend. I was like, " I met you 2 days ago."

Hannah Moon: I get a lot of foreign fanboys from Facebook

Bree: Nobody bugs me on facebook. Its always myyearbook.

Hannah Moon: It's almost always FB for me XD

Bree: im just glad its not SH LOL

Hannah Moon: LOL That would suck

Bree: I would leave permanently

Hannah Moon: I've had fanboys on there. I still do. Just a few, though

Bree: Thats crazyy lol. Maybe I might have a few but they are hiding from me.

Hannah Moon: lol Ninja fan boys

Bree: The correct term I believe is stalkers.

Hannah Moon: True

Bree: Well I think im bored with this subject so we should close this blog.

Hannah Moon: OK. Remember fans, if you stalk me, I'll stalk you ten fold.

Bree: Stalk me and you'll have a 22 year old man holding a gun to your head.

Hannah Moon: That's hot lol JK

Bree: Am I kidding? Who knows

Hannah Moon: lol

Bree: Adios.

Hannah Moon: See yas.

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