Sunday, December 13, 2009

Damn Yous A Sexy Bitch

Annah have you ever been on a site and
had a creep hitting on you no matter what
you tell them?

SO. Many. Times. Everywhere.

Well I think today a good topic to cover is
Internet creeps.

Very good topic. They're freakin' EVERYWHERE. I had one at me just a couple days ago.

I just blocked one 5 minutes ago. So one site I've noticed that draws a lot of creeps is

Evony has a lot too. Yes, I play that. :P

I've noticed that even if I am in a relationship
the creeps dont care. I had a man from india say he loved me after talking to me
for 30 minutes. Um hello? Second I told him multiple times,
"I have a boyfriend, his name is Robby."
Didn't phase him a bit.

Heck, they always just go straight to, "Wanna cyber?" with me. -_-

Trust me I get that too.
I hate the "wanna fuck?" messages
I get. It pisses me off.

I know, SO gross. As soon as I hit 18, WHAM. Although I had then when I was younger, too. -_-

I know. Turning 18 was like the worst on the internet. A man who was like 30 literally counted down the days until I was 18.
Creepy much?

Same here. Three of them. This one guy once messaged me out of nowhere calling me his "sexy honey."

I have 40 pages of messages like that on myyearbook.
I'm saving them to report some of the men that send

I get lots of it on Facebook. Why would I think guys randomly asking me for nude pics is attractive?

My facebook is set so private I'm not worried about freaks there. But myyearbook?
"Nudez plees?"
Um Fuck No.

This one Italian guy emailed me saying, "I think you are fantastic and amazing. You have an amazing personality" yadda yadda. I never even spoke to him before.

I had a guy comment on a pic of me wearing a low cut shirt saying
"yummy boobs"

lmao wtfudge? Just a couple days ago on Evony, I was talking to a few friends, and I said I'm single, and this guy immediately privately asked me, "And looking?" I just said "lmao" and then he said, "Just holding out?" So I told him I'm waiting for the perfect guy and said, "How do you know you're not talking to him now?"

Lol the only person who should say what that one guy said to me is Robby.
Boyfriends have that right ;D
But wow. That guy talking to you failed.
Hes not smooth at all.
Don't make me hit on you again Annah XD

LOL XD I'll admit, he was classier than the other guys lol

My ex right before Robby won me over with a cheesy pick up line...
I still to this day don't know how it worked.
I guess its because his personality is adorable.
It didnt work about because he let me boss him around.
I kinda like being put in my place ;D

LOL Nice XD I'm still holding out as long as possible. I don't want a boyfriend until I find THE guy.

I think I have. I mean I don't want to jump the gun, but I've
never been this happy while with someone.

Well you two do have lots in common. Me, I'm a weirdie. XD

there has got to be another Hannah but in male form somewhere ;D
Our blog is one of the most random blogs. WE get off topic easy.

ADD for me XD

Caps Lock rape.
I dont know anyone like that LMAO

My point exactly. XD

Well Annah I think I'm done.
Remember people, Bree is god, just in human form.

Does that make me Jesus?

Yes It does. Since I am God :D


Goodbye earthlings.

Bye byes.


  1. WOW! I've only had One experience with those Cyber Freaks. It was on Sodahead. The dude kept sending me messages; "I like you", "Are you mad at me?", "How come you're Not talking to me?". I think the dude thought I was someone else... IDK

  2. I can't stand getting hit on online. It makes me feel so uncomfortable.

  3. Ah, ridiculous as always, I've had tons of cyber freaks hit on me before. Its kind of scary.
