Saturday, December 12, 2009

What A Whore.

You know what I hate?
Disney shows. They used to rock in the 90's You know like Bug Juice and stuff? But now they have sucky shows. Especially Hannah Montana

Very much so. Do you remember The Weekenders? Was that Disney?

Vaguely. I believe so.
Lizzie Maguire!

I LOVED The Weekenders. Was never a fan of Hillary Duff. She can't act. At all.

I didn't like Hilary, it was her friend miranda that I liked watching.

Yeah, I liked Miranda.

We are getting off topic here...
So Hannah Montana is the most overrated Disney show. Agree?

Definitely. And her clothes are atrocious. So much so that she actually made me use that word for the first time in a sentence.

And she can't sing for anything.
She sings through her nose.
Did you know she nearly flashed a nipple in one episode?

Yeah, I saw the gif >.<>

Shouldn't Disney have caught that?
Oh wait I forgot no matter how scandalous the scandal,
Disney fires no one.

Disney WANTS to promote sexuality. Don't get me started on subliminal images XD

Just watch, they will come up with a show that has teen
strippers without them being naked. It will happen.

I thought it did happen at the Teen Choice Awards with who other than Miley.

i mean like the teens working at a teen club and they pole dance xD

I wouldn't doubt that. Of course, that would be pedophilia... XD

JailBait FTW. xD

Oh snap XD I sometimes miss being jail bait. Miley needs to freakin' appreciate what she has instead of trying to grow up to be a whore.

I know.
I kinda miss being jailbait but not really.
I mean now its legal for me to be attracted
to guys 3, 4, 5 etc years older then me.

Yeah, that's true... *stalks Hugh Jackman*

I don't need to stalk anyone *looks at my # sodahead* :D
No stalking required. Unless he wants me too ;D
Oh Baby.

I stalk Penguinz, but he wants me to.

I stalk a lot of people. I'm a professional online stalker.
Your my next victim dear.

Yay! I want a shirt that says "Stalker for hire."

That would be awesome.
Well I do believe this blog is coming to a close.
Remember kiddies, Don't go into the living room at 1AM christmas
Morning because mommy will be doing more then kissing
Sanata Clause.

lol Threesome with Santa.

Hasta Luego muchachos.

Elvis has left the building.


  1. you two are so retarded its funny.
    hey did you hear, Miley flashed the Queen x)

  2. So true!!! I really like the Classic Disney... with Snow White, and the 90's were the Disney Golden Years.
