Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Come On, Be a Man Already!

So. There's this really annoying guy on Youtube. His name is Fred.

Fred sucks monkey butt

More then that. But how the hell is a boy warping his voice to sound 6 years old funny?

I have no clue. He sounds like a chipmunk with turrets or however it's spelled.

Yes he does. And he likes himself

A little too much lol

no really "judy" is just his voice distorted


and so is kevin too

He needs friends.

Yes he does

His shows aren't even funny

and he calls pomeranians squirrels

They don't even look like squirrels

no they dont
Chis might

Or chows because of the tail
But still, squirrels are overused in comedy now too.
He's not very original

I know.
its like
he watches youtube videos and then makes his

Yeah, like, "OK I thought this was funny, so I'm gonna do the same thing while pretending I'm a 6-year-old." LAME.

Even when I'm stoned its not funny
( alot of things are funny when im stoned

It's easy to make me laugh, especially guys, but he wasn't funny.

See he fails

Big time.

my brain is dead

Mine too.

See fred kills brain cells

lol People like him because their IQ is dropping

Nuu i don't wanna lose my IQ of 124

I dunno my IQ XD
But I'm sure it's higher than Fred's.

his is -124

lol Seriously
If he was a real man, he'd warp his voice the old fashioned way and suck helium.

How old is he really anyway?

I dunno...
I shall investigate >.>


I dunno how I'll find it with just the name Fred XD
I'll try YouTube

i know his real name
Lucas Cruishank i think

Oh, there we go
Fred is such an unoriginal name.

I know

He's about 16
Born in 1993


Yeah. He really needs a life and a better sense of humor.

Yes. Man, I thought I had no life.

I've thought of funnier skits in my sleep.

Me too.

He's not even trying to change his voice on his own, it's all technology.
LAME. It's not that hard to sound like a little kid.

No its not
i could do it in my sleep

I think I do in my sleep...

youve got skills bbys lol

lol And the backwards R thing is dumb
They do the same thing at Kids R Us

and toys are us

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of.
It's not even convincing, the stuff he says
Six-year-olds don't have that kind of vocabulary. Plus his acting is way off.

yes it is

I think we have a long enough blog now. lol

yeah and i keep spacing

So it is time we bring this blog to a close
Remember children, dry humping the Burger King guy is frowned upon in certain counties.

And Poking Bree with a stick equals death by fire.

1 comment:

  1. I think Fred is funny, the point of his videos is to be stupid funny x) He makes me giggle. If you don't like it then FU!
