Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello My Name is.... SceneFaceSlut

Bree: Well folks Hannah and I haven't blogged in awhile for many reasons but Giant Marshmellow attacks isn't one of them

Hannah Moon: And no, I'm NOT pregnant with William Dafoe's baby.

Bree: When the hell did that rumor happen?

Hannah Moon: It didn't XD

Bree: I did hear that you... Anyway, today's topic will be about fakes on the internet.

Hannah Moon: And how much they suck.Which is a lot.

Bree: I have fallen victim to a fake before. Well 2 actually

Hannah Moon: Not a fun experience.Really, it's quite screwed up. People are putting their trust into these fakes not knowing they're fake. Then they get backstabbed. And all for what benifit?

Bree: I dated one. I almost had no trust for online dating after that but It obviously changed when i found someone REAL.

Hannah Moon: It's sad. Creating a fake persona just to be loved is always going to backfire.

Bree: I know. It's so stupid. or the ones who make a game out of it

Hannah Moon: Then it's just plain cruel.

Bree: Yeah try having your heart broken. That's what happened when I trusted a fake too much. Thank god I got over it and moved on eh?

Hannah Moon: Yeah. It's one thing to create fake friendships, but fake DATING? That's just wrong.

Bree: It can kill a persons ego, trust etc.

Hannah Moon: Heck, it could really screw people up.

Bree: I am a good example of that but I won't tell everyone what happened to me

Hannah Moon: Just for the record, I'm not fake. XD

Bree: I'm not either I have way too much proof and If it still isn't enough proof for you.... Ask Jester or RainbowOblivion.

Hannah Moon: I have lots of online friends and I do what I can to get my name known XD So I'm not fake lol

Bree: I had accusations in 2009 but they were squashed when i posted proof.

Hannah Moon: lol I don't think anyone has accused me of being fake.

Bree: people used to accuse me because apprently i looked like a stereotype. LOL whatever.

Hannah Moon: lol What stereotype? XD

Bree: scene kid and IDK how.

Hannah Moon: O.O Those people were on crack.

Bree: I don't fit a stereotype.

Hannah Moon: Exactly

Bree: Except maybe hot nerd ;D

Bree: Except maybe hot nerd ;D

Hannah Moon: LOL I just fit nerd XD

Bree: lawl. So basically fakes run rampant on sodahead.

Hannah Moon: EVERYWHERE. They're like ferrets but not cute. They multiply. >.>

Bree: lawd i know. Well Folks I would like to wrap this one up. remember kiddos, That was not me in that porn you watched last night.

Hannah Moon: And I've never even TOUCHED William Dafoe.

Bree: I heard William Hung stayed the night at your house once...

Hannah Moon: He lives with me.

Bree: Just Checking. Good Night everybody!

Hannah Moon: Buhbyes.

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