Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Good evening stalkers. This blog with be random because i am high on laughign gas from the dentist. this will eb fun:
And my mom says I look like the Swiss Miss T_T
my mouth tastes like metal.
not really althoguh i now have a sudden craving for staples
They're a good source of iron,
the fact that i rpobably have bit my cheek a million times now is kinda exciting
Not exciting for your cheek XD
i think i taste blood. I wouldnt doubt that i am. probably bit my tongue too
lol I bit my tongue once and it swelled and when I spoke I sounded like a total tard
lol i look like i had a stroke
Sounds hot.
i would totally go guy searchign right now
if i was single
lol Not me XD
lol why not
Because I'm not looking for one lol
lol neiterh am i ;D
lol I noticed XD
i wont ever either
Same here.
its raining in mabi xD
Here too.
mabi is a game i play XD
I totally got my socks soaked.
Mabinogi is the full name. not too many people knwo what it is. Alyssa is the one who got me to play
Never heard of it. I did get The Sims 3, though XD
i have sims 3 XD
Me too XD
i know you alreadyf said it.
Oh I read it wrong lol
I totally made my character look like me XD
lol i kidna sorta havent playe dit XD
Oh, nice XD
apparently you cant make a family out of teenagers
I heard the teens can get knocked up, though XD
Dude I turned on the game and all of a sudden I had a baby and I was like WTF!?!
lol thats kinda weird.
lol Very weird XD
i cant feelmy chin'
That's usually not a good thing.
My brother keeps sticking his dirty hands into my Cheetos
I know
And he already had a bunch of my Cheetos.
my head is starting to hurt
lol That laughing gas is gonna kill you
lol no its cause the novacaine is wearing off and they did 7 teeth
Ouch o.o
i just turned on the blair witch project
I watched Men In Black today
thats a good movie
Hails yeah
lol blair witch projecty is funny
Haven't seen it
its supposed to be scary
I love it when movies are like that
i love yelling " your gonna die!'
and it scares the shit out of people
lmao I saw The Shining and I was like "OK, when is it gonna be scary?"
lol saw movies are stupid.
Dude Jurassic Park scares me
we are still blogging this shit right?
LOL Yeah

But seriously if I saw "Jurassic Park" in 3D I would have to be carried out of the theater
" what the fuck is that" my answer? " YOUR MOM!"
LOL Nice
they are gonna dieeeeeeeeee
Raptors are trying to kill me
So are T-rexes
i <3 cartoon dinos
LOL Me too
There's still a part of me that loves dinosaurs
But the rest is scawed.
Grrrr it's doppleganger week on Facebook and I dunno who my doppleganger is
I dunno who looks like meh
I do jk lol
LOL That would be so weird XD
i dont even have you added on facebook. FAIL
lol My mom is on FB XD
mine too LOL
lol My grandma just got one and now my mom is freaking out that her mom is on there XD
LOL thats hella bad. my gma wouldnt ever get oe
LOL My grandma wasn't even sure she wanted one
Dude how come we only have 7 followers? D:
people fail to follow us.
I feel like I have to burp
What did you call me? :O
lol JK
Why can't blogs edit themselves?
lol i dont know
It's a conspiracy
everything is a conspiracy
Hails yeah it is
including th government ;D
Trust me, I totally believe that XD
This is a long blog XD
Well folks i think i have gotten boring <3 Remember kids, Walking your cat with a metal leash during a lightening storm is bad juju.
Bad juju to the voodoo that you do.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello My Name is.... SceneFaceSlut

Bree: Well folks Hannah and I haven't blogged in awhile for many reasons but Giant Marshmellow attacks isn't one of them

Hannah Moon: And no, I'm NOT pregnant with William Dafoe's baby.

Bree: When the hell did that rumor happen?

Hannah Moon: It didn't XD

Bree: I did hear that you... Anyway, today's topic will be about fakes on the internet.

Hannah Moon: And how much they suck.Which is a lot.

Bree: I have fallen victim to a fake before. Well 2 actually

Hannah Moon: Not a fun experience.Really, it's quite screwed up. People are putting their trust into these fakes not knowing they're fake. Then they get backstabbed. And all for what benifit?

Bree: I dated one. I almost had no trust for online dating after that but It obviously changed when i found someone REAL.

Hannah Moon: It's sad. Creating a fake persona just to be loved is always going to backfire.

Bree: I know. It's so stupid. or the ones who make a game out of it

Hannah Moon: Then it's just plain cruel.

Bree: Yeah try having your heart broken. That's what happened when I trusted a fake too much. Thank god I got over it and moved on eh?

Hannah Moon: Yeah. It's one thing to create fake friendships, but fake DATING? That's just wrong.

Bree: It can kill a persons ego, trust etc.

Hannah Moon: Heck, it could really screw people up.

Bree: I am a good example of that but I won't tell everyone what happened to me

Hannah Moon: Just for the record, I'm not fake. XD

Bree: I'm not either I have way too much proof and If it still isn't enough proof for you.... Ask Jester or RainbowOblivion.

Hannah Moon: I have lots of online friends and I do what I can to get my name known XD So I'm not fake lol

Bree: I had accusations in 2009 but they were squashed when i posted proof.

Hannah Moon: lol I don't think anyone has accused me of being fake.

Bree: people used to accuse me because apprently i looked like a stereotype. LOL whatever.

Hannah Moon: lol What stereotype? XD

Bree: scene kid and IDK how.

Hannah Moon: O.O Those people were on crack.

Bree: I don't fit a stereotype.

Hannah Moon: Exactly

Bree: Except maybe hot nerd ;D

Bree: Except maybe hot nerd ;D

Hannah Moon: LOL I just fit nerd XD

Bree: lawl. So basically fakes run rampant on sodahead.

Hannah Moon: EVERYWHERE. They're like ferrets but not cute. They multiply. >.>

Bree: lawd i know. Well Folks I would like to wrap this one up. remember kiddos, That was not me in that porn you watched last night.

Hannah Moon: And I've never even TOUCHED William Dafoe.

Bree: I heard William Hung stayed the night at your house once...

Hannah Moon: He lives with me.

Bree: Just Checking. Good Night everybody!

Hannah Moon: Buhbyes.